New Innovations!
What new innovations has Koppe, the Begonia Specialist, come up with to show you this year? In addition to 4 new launches, we have 5 new indoor varieties (under number) to show you. And outdoors, we’d love to show you our Boliviensis Breeding Trial. We’re also presenting the new BeLove line that thrives both indoors and outdoors, with stunning big blossoms and short growth time. Then there’s Hailey Peach, which combines the lifespan of the Barkos line with the fast growth of the Ilona Collection. Lastly, we have the lovely Manga that has a completely new look and is named after the famous style of Japanese animation. To sum it up, there are many reasons why you should visit us at Rietwijkeroord 40 in Aalsmeer.

Please come. We’ll have coffee waiting!


B e l e a f  i n  B e g o n i a !
In 1690, Charles Plumier (French botanist and monk) named this plant after his patron Michel Bégon, a former governor of French colony Haiti. Along with Hillebrandia, Begonia forms the Begoniaceae family. Begonias only grow naturally in tropical and subtropical parts of Asia, Africa and the Americas. But their numbers and diversity are great, with more than 1000 recorded species excluding special-breed varieties. This makes the Begonia one of the most wide-ranging ornamental species with virtually endless possibilities. There’s a Begonia for everyone, and that’s exactly why we – as a Begonia Specialist – believe in the Begonia. And we’d be delighted to show you just that!

#Betuliacollection #Barkoscollection #Beleafcollection #Elektracollection #Ilonacollection #Valentino #Adonia #Florencio #BeLove #Sunnycollection #Grace


Betulia & Beleaf Collections / new website
We’re very proud of our Betulia & Beleaf promotional campaigns in which we aim to add just that little extra to these extraordinary collections. So please visit our updated website at Just like every other year, the site features our new catalogue with stunning product images and gorgeous lifestyle shots.

See you at the FlowerTrials® 2018!

Photos FlowerTrials 2018